We have discussed:

  • What are the necessary elements of an opera performance?
  • How to design an exciting MR performance for opera as an art form?
  • How to successfully develop a production for the Apple Vision Pro device?

Throughout the workshop Miia Lallukka, Timo Tuovila and Thomas de Mallet Burgess offered us a unique behind-the-scenes experience of the life at the opera, while Ane Skak and Maria Høeberg Madsen shared perspectives on what defines a successful VR (virtual reality) performance. Our primary focus, however, remained on developing preliminary concepts for the MR performances, and needless to say, we enjoyed the process! 🙂

Stay tuned for forthcoming updates on our progress.

Thank you to all that contributed to the workshop: Sami Brandt, Justyna Starostka and Christian Sivertsen from IT-Universitetet i København, Simon Max Bloch Lajboschitz from Khora Virtual Reality, Laura Olin from Younite-AI and Adrian Hazzard and Paul Tennent from the University of Nottingham.